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Choose Again’s effective approach has helped thousands discover a deeper sense of peace and joy in all aspects of their lives. This highly transformative and holistic process teaches ego-proof conflict resolution, how to communicate fearlessly, openly and lovingly, and how to identify and release barriers to peace.
You deserve to be happy, you deserve to live a rich and full life; that is your birthright. You are worth it.

Video from a similar Choose Again Retreat

Video from a similar Choose Again Retreat - part 2

Additional information to help you decide if this Choose Again retreat is for you:

  • With a program success rate in excess of 80% Choose Again offers a holistic approach to mental, emotional and spiritual well-being through Attitudinal Healing, applied transpersonal psychology,
    and universal spiritual teachings.

  • Our experience in the world is dictated by the beliefs we hold about who we are. Those beliefs often work well but when they do not, transformation is called for. Transformation means that we learn first of all to recognize the beliefs and how they play out in our lives and then practice a series of techniques to correct or transform these beliefs.

  • When we correct limiting core beliefs they no longer ‘run the show’. In other words, we are not overly concerned about behaviour modification. We know from experience that the behavior shifts as we shift our beliefs. When we have learned to embrace the Self, the loving Essence that each of us is, our behavior follows.

  • An untrained mind can accomplish nothing, so developing a disciplined mind is a significant part of our program. It is in fact a profound mind training.

Retreat experience includes:

  • Circles (group processing sessions), Meditation, Yoga, Therapeutic Breath Work

By the end of the program a participant will have:

  • Identified recurring patterns

  • Committed to a process to release these patterns

  • Identified and begun releasing limiting beliefs which attract negative life experiences

  • Acquired tools for deep, full and fearless communication

  • Mastered processes to quickly resolve any conflict

  • Learned the purpose and value of healthy relationships and how to maintain such relationships

  • Discovered a true passion and purpose and be on a path to incorporate that purpose into their personal and professional life

  • Developed a spiritual practice of meditation, reflection and contemplation

  • Developed a lifestyle conducive to being a happy, productive member of society.

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